Dzień do premiery

lubiegrac news Dzień do premiery

redakcja | 29 października 2013, 17:40

Premiera Battlefield ma być 31 października ale ta data dotyczy się Europy więc jak to bywa obywatle USA mogą już napawać się grą i być o krok do przodu niż gracze z innych krajów. 

Z tego powodu o grze mamy juz bardzo głośno w siec. I  w tym newsie postaramy się zebrać wszystko to co dziś się pojawiło tak aby w jednym miejscu poczytać o wszystkim. 

Na początek oceny BF4 zbiera bardzo dobre oceny od wszystkich liczących się magazynów i serwisów zajmumących się grami. Mówi się że Battlefield 4 będzie grą którą każdy fan FPS będzie musiał mieć.

Zebraliśmy dla was te opinie w jedno miejsce nie tłumaczyć bo wydaje się to banalnie zrozumiałem ;)

  • CVG9/10 – “A triumph on a multitude of levels, Battlefield 4 is the series’ most compelling package to date, a delightfully slick introduction to the next-generation of consoles and more than a good enough reason on its lonesome to pick up a PS4 or Xbox One.”
  • Eurogamer8/10 – “Battlefield 4 is, of course, pretty much exactly the game you expect. A rather thin single-player campaign hangs on the tail of a much more interesting and robust multiplayer offering … It’s Battlefield, and the fundamentals are no more likely to change than Manchester United is likely to field an ostrich in goal, just to be different.”
  • Gamespot8/10 – “Regardless of platform, Battlefield 4 multiplayer is a blast and definitely the best reason to return to this hallowed franchise or dive in for the first time. Though the campaign makes strides in the right direction, it remains a sideshow to the main event. Expansive and exciting, challenging and empowering, Battlefield 4 multiplayer is a thrilling endeavor in this generation or the next.”
  • Gamesradar: 4.5/5 -  As a package, this is the best Battlefield ever created. While the single-player is far from perfect, it bottles enough multiplayer lightning to garner my rather faint praise of ‘worth a quick play through’. As ever, though, it’s online where BF4 shines brightest. You may not appreciate just how brilliantly designed the maps, modes, and classes are until you experience those trademark moments. Like when you’re charging around an abandoned factory on Golmund Railway, trying to fend off three tanks at once, mortar fire raining down on you from above, shaking your screen and creating unbelievable mayhem. Then–and only then–will you truly fall in love with this game like I have.
  • Joystiq4.5/5 – “The main draw for the Battlefield series has always been the chaotic camaraderie of its multiplayer, and that’s no different here. But the sum of Battlefield 4′s parts shows that DICE is capable of more. Not only has the developer iterated on and progressed its marquee multiplayer, it’s provided a tight and cohesive campaign that is everything a military shooter needs to be.”
  • Polygon7.5/10 – “DICE has failed once again to make Battlefield 4 a serious singleplayer contender. But its emphasis on ambitious, team-based multiplayer does wonders to wash the taste of that failure away. Battlefield 4 takes the elements that have made each installment work and glues them together successfully – even if some rough edges show here or there.”
  • Shacknews7/10 – “Battlefield 4 doesn’t break any molds, but whether you’re making your way through the glossed-up campaign or burning scores of hours battling online, there’s always a strong underlying sense of anxiety and uncertainty. You simply never feel safe. All the great things you remember about the series like realistic ballistics, balanced vehicles, and solid gunplay are here. If you can’t get enough of this stuff and new maps are all you need, you know what to do.”
  • Videogamer9/10 – “It’s eye-gogglingly beautiful, laced with breathtaking lighting and particle effects, and offers a significant visual and mechanical step up over the current-gen version. The campaign isn’t without its share of faults, but it’s a near technically flawless launch title that finally brings Battlefield to consoles the way it should be. If you’re looking to pick up a multiplayer shooter alongside your new console, Battlefield 4 is essential.”

Jak widać oceny nie są złe narzekanie na Single Player to domena gier od DICE chodź mi one i tak zawsze pasowały.

Drugimi newsem dnia jest fakt że do BF4 jest już pierwszy patch więc zaraz po uruchomieniu gry możemy nastawić się na patchowanie wersji multiplayer. 

Cytująć DICE:

"This Battlefield 4 update ulepsza content związany z rozgrywką  multiplayer ," DICE says. "Mocno rekomendujęmy ściągnicie to natychmiast"

ciekawe czy do czwartku namnoży się patchy : )

A na koniec newsów mamy wysyp filmów i tak po koleji:

Trailer zapraszający do rozgrywki multiplayer:

Początek kampani z Xbox-a:

i film z akcji promocyjnej w polsce


a wy jak macie już ściagnietego Battlefielda? My tak i obiecujemy pełną kampanie single na naszym kanale YT





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Komentarze [3]:
avatar shymeq7
dodano: 2014-01-09 19:02:56


avatar gerald695
dodano: 2014-01-09 09:03:04

7/10 Polecam

avatar godfather
dodano: 2014-01-03 21:01:12

Pamiętam :D

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