Tamer Adas | 14 marca 2020, 06:05
So I'm going to tweet some about Silent Hill and the supposed two games in the works. Let me first clarify upfront I'm not 100% clear on everything. I had heard murmurings about this a couple months ago, but over time more and more solid evidence this is the case has come forth.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) March 12, 2020
sounded unlikely to me. I also can confirm RIGHT NOW Sony didn't buy the IP, because something else I know is Konami is currently shopping around for other Silent Hill media stuff. I even heard for the Kojima game, which isn't a thing yet but is in the talks, that Sony & Konami
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) March 12, 2020
the full details just to lay that out openly. Again, the Kojima thing is in the talks, it's not in development yet so I want to talk less about that as it's still an ambiguous thing. The soft reboot thing I have heard more directly about, & I've heard this has been a sorta' open
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) March 12, 2020
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źródło: fot. Rory Björkman on Unsplash
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