Tamer Adas | 20 kwietnia 2020, 07:15
Here's some looks at WB Montreal's cancelled Suicide Squad and Superman games
— James Sigfield (@Jsig212James) April 14, 2020
Credit to @tatlinsky for finding them pic.twitter.com/QWC13ubjVV
Hearing from multiple sources that Rocksteady pitched a Superman game to WB as a follow up to Arkham Knight, and WB passed on the project.
— James Sigfield (@Jsig212James) April 15, 2020
Judging how similar this feels to the “New Gotham” section of Arkham Knight, this could be for that. pic.twitter.com/RKIE6ugKSP
I’m sure people remember this Easter egg the most:https://t.co/ay7DH5oJbe
— James Sigfield (@Jsig212James) April 15, 2020
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